The Small Details

“C’mon, Lacy!” A young child stubbornly pulled at the leash to his dog. He had taken Lacy out on a walk around the neighborhood as per usual but for some reason Lacy began acting up.

“Ouch!” The young child cried as Lacy pulled him to the ground causing him to scrape his knee and through his tear blurred eyes, He could see Lacy running away, quick as wind.

“Lacy,” he stood on wobbly legs. Lacy was now far gone. Out of his line of sight.

The wind howled as it began picking up speed. It began twisting in turning in two different directions.

“What is that?” The child could only assume it was a tornado and began taking off only

… before he could even get six feet away he was sucked up into it.

A while later he awoke again. Still in his neighborhood. The wind seems to have calmed however the sky was dark.

Groggily the boy wiped his eyes and began walking to his house. Once he had made it inside his parents rushed towards him. Both wearing pajamas.

“Leo! Where have you been? Are you okay?” His mother was panicked and bombarded him with questions.

“I’m fine mama. I just have a scratch on my knee. Lacy was acting crazy today.”

“Lacy…? Sweetie who is Lacy?”

“Our dog, remember?”

His mother, Evelyn was her name looked at his dad with a knowing look. “Sweetie, we don’t have a dog.”

That was when he noticed it. His dad was in his pajamas and it was seven at night. Now normally this would be fine only, Leo’s dad doesn’t get home from work until 6:30 and usually he’s still in his work clothes, helping mom with dinner and chores around the house.

“Pa? Why are you in your pajamas?” The boy was confused. His parents were acting weird. First his mother claims he doesn’t have a dog and second his father is in his pajamas.

“Why don’t we go eat. Your mother made your favorite… tomato soup.” His father led him to the table. Though Leo did not eat the food. For one he didn’t like tomatoes. Two, he’s allergic to garlic. And three, he knew for a fact that his parents though they look alike, we’re not his real parents. They were fakes or something different.

“Why aren’t you eating your food? I worked really hard on that.”

“I’m allergic to garlic. Don’t you remember?”

“Your not allergic to garlic. Stop lying Leo. What is up with you today!” His fake mother snarled and just as she began to stand up, Leo took off.

He sprinted up the stairs round the corner and down the long hallway to what he thought was his room. Only, what was on the other side of the door was not what he was expecting.

Blood was splattered everywhere and children lay starved and weak. Bloody and dirty with their mouths sewn together.

A shocked gasp left Leo’s lips. His eyes wide.

I knew there was something wrong with this place, he thought. And before he knew it, he was being tortured like the other kids in the room. Big doe eyes lifeless, small pink lips sewn, and wavy brown hair matted.

Starved and dehydrated he sat in the dark squished in between two other kids wishing for death to come to him.

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