
My eyes lingered on her for a moment, just a moment. How could anyone hate such a person? Her auburn hair, crimped, fell down to her waist, striking brown eyes, warm, like her. Her features were soft and angelic, rosy cheeks. She looked at me. I pretended to gaze at something behind her.

Surely I hadn’t got the right person. He said she was dangerous, a killer. Certainly this wasn’t the case. She was known as the siren, this killer was. She used her good looks to lure men to their death, she’d seduce them then kill them slowly. All we knew was that she liked to strangle her victims, quite an intimate way to murder someone if you ask me. The killer was bold, she wasn’t.

Quinn, her name was, I believe. I remember the way she smiled at me when I asked her to dance, a unique, pearly smile. Her lips were shaped like a newly blossomed rose bud. How could this sweet, innocent girl be a cold blooded killer?

So, you see, that was how. That was how I fell in love with my target. Me. The greatest assassin in the world, the universe possibly. And I really managed to fall for this girl? It’s pathetic, really. Unbelievable.

She killed someone that night. That’s right, I had failed. Failed to protect my country. I could’ve saved a life. But like a naive little school girl, I fell head over heels in love. I feel as though I would’ve been her target that night, if I were a man.

For the first time in my life, I felt truly blessed to be a woman.

I often think about her, Quinn, and where she is now. Has she been caught? Killed? Was there an assassin who had managed to kill her? Or was the siren still out there? Waiting? If she is still alive, does she remember me? Does she even know who I am? Well dear reader, I wish I could tell you.

All I know, is this.

If I could go back and change anything, I wouldn’t. I fell in love. At least I can say that.

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