
I live on the the moon. Our job is to grant the nightmares of mortals, we are taught to take their biggest fears and plague their dreams. Tonight is the night I escape this nightmare. Go to a place over the horizon and beyond the stars, to a place no one here will ever think to find me. I can’t keep doing this routine everyday. The things I see, can’t be undone. I wish I could erase the memories, but I can’t. We aren’t ever allowed to let the mortals have a moment of peace. We get fuel from their pain, if not enough morals are in pain, we can die. I don’t want to die nor my people, but I can’t stand all the pain we cause others just because we are too cowardly. I know that if I still have my crystal with me, I can live and prosper throughout the day. I just can’t live on the moon where we torcher innocent people. It isn’t right. I need to break free. I will do it tonight. I have to do if tonight. I cannot let myself be caught and trapped again. I will escape and go to the promise land. It’s somewhere everyone who is anyone can live, the nebula. The elders all say that it’s a made up legend and their nothing out their, but I can hear the muses songs of wonder, so it has to be real. That’s why I stole the map to the nebula. I’m going to my ship in 5 mins, follow the map and reaching the nebula in three days time.

I have reached my ship with one bag of previsions and and one bag clothes for the three day trip. I made sure to soak up a lot of sadness and pain from the mortals into my necklace to last me three days. It is just enough time for me to reach the nebula and not need to make many stops on the way. Since the nebula supplies whatever you need to survive automatically, I won’t need to grant nightmares ever again. Getting into the ship, I made sure to be as quiet as possible while going, as too not make too much noise. I made it into my ship and began the course. I looked at the map and rocketed in that direction. Off we go, to my new home, leaving this propaganda filled world behind me.

It has been three days since I left, and I have made it to the nebula. It is absolutely breathtaking and so full of life. I see creatures and people of all the planets. Seems like they wanted some freedom as well. I’m happy that I came here.

It’s been three years now since I have arrived to the nebula. I have met some amazing friends. One’s a daydreamer, the other is a star caster and another is a sunlight. I have more, but these are my best friends. I do miss my family at times, but I love this place. I’m so happy I came to the nebula.

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