A wild animal has begun to visit your character's home every day.

Write a short scene about this scenario - it could be friendly, scary, or a surprising interaction.

That Little Squirrel

As a little boy I used to go out and play in the backyard. I loved building little ‘forts’ for the animals, around the tree, by the fence, and in the middle of the yard. For my 9th birthday, I got a little wooden house that I could build myself. Once I built it, I put it on a tree branch and tied string around it to make sure it stayed. I put some grass and acorns that I found in the house. I sat inside looking out the window watching to see what animals would come. The first time the squirrel came was 2 days after I set it out. I was so happy and excited. I decided to stay inside and watch so I didn’t scare it off. After it left on its own I went outside and looked to see what it left, the acorns were gone and the grass was still there. I put more acorns in and went back inside happy. The next day, the squirrel came again, I assumed it was a different one. The same thing happened, it took the acorns and left, I went to put more in the tiny house. This went on for 2 weeks before my 9-year-old self came to a realization that it might be the same squirrel. After about 1 month, I ran out of the acorns that I put in the house I built. I sat outside under the tree and tried to think of ways to get more. None in the backyard, and I wasn’t allowed to go in the front yard either. Then the squirrel came and climbed down from the house right next to me. It just looked at me and left. The next day, I still had no acorns and the squirrel came then left. This cycle went on for 8 days. Then I finally convinced my mom to go out for a walk with me so I could collect a bunch. And now I’m 20, still live in the same house, same squirrel still comes every single day. I’ve named her Della. She loves the acorns and I’ve even painted the house, and added more houses nearby. Occasionally more squirrels will come to those houses but everyone seems to know which one is Della’s and no one but her goes to that one.

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