Submitted by pennomoly
Write a heartfelt poem to someone who doesn’t know they had an impact on you, telling them anonymously how they made a difference in your life.
Thank You
In my darkest hour I look to you
Your alluring wings of comfort
Shielding me from the horrors of reality
Protecting me from me
Your words sooths me
Hepl me laugh when I can't feel
Helps me see the good in the bad
Helped scrape off the frown and paint a smile
The lessons you taught me
Showed that knowledge is true strength
That hero's make mistakes
That a blue hairbrush is a powerful weapon
That you have to accept that you will be scared sometimes
The courage you have genorously given
Helped me to push back
To never give up
That its how you get back up that matters
The euphoria you gave me
The knowledge
The comfort
The courage
But the greatest gift you have given me
You saved me from death
From the bottles of pills
The ledge
And that is something I will be eternally grateful for