Playing Games

A pitch black abyss wrapped around my head, blocking off my sight was the first thing my hazy mind registered. Itchy rope gripped my wrists and ankles tightly together, digging harshly into my skin. Amused at the the situation, a dark chuckle rose from my throat and was broken up by the cloth bounded within my mouth, knotted around my head. I tried not to accidentally swallow the gum I had been chewing beforehand. However, I couldn’t contain my laughter as it erupted through my pain filled chest. The hysterics only grew stronger as I realized someone was actually idiotic enough to kidnap me. I sat tied to the chair with an ominous smile broadening upon my bruised face. Idiots.

Not a sound could be heard while my ears whispered that I was completely alone. This was going to be fun, my eyes lit ablaze underneath the mask. Adrenaline rushed through my body like a tital wave crashing down on the shore. With my arms secured tightly behind me, my fingers lightly traced along my wrist feeling for my watch. Once found I pushed the button on the side to pop open the top revealing a miniature box hidden inside. Delicately unfolding it I shook my head entertained by the whole scenario.

The now unfolded small knife could’ve been deemed useless by anyone who saw it, yet I knew how to use it to my advantage. Cleverly crafting the knife through the tiny strings that made up the rope, it cut through slowly but surely. After delicate work my wrists broke free and I quickly removed the mask.

Beaming dim light washed over my blurry vision as my eyes came into focus. Scanning my surroundings, I recognized that I was held in a warehouse. How cliché. The area was empty besides the chair that I was sitting upon. I smiled happily as if I wasn’t just taken hostage and hummed a childhood lullaby to myself, untying my ankles and gag. However once free, I didn’t escape, I waited sitting cross cross applesauce.

Pulling one of the two hair clips from my hair, I yawned growing bored and stuck the clip under the chair with the gum I had been chewing. My head lazily rose towards the entrance as footsteps grew, as did my smile. Finally.

About four men stepped into the room dressed in tattered, old atire. Rips littered all their clothes as did the tattoos on their skin. They froze upon seeing I was casually sitting on the chair.

“Hey boys,” I smirked deviously and rose from the chair stretching a bit to relieve my stiff muscles. Immediately they all pulled out guns all pointing in my direction. I rolled my eyes, men.

“Come on now, is that the best you can do?” I disappointedly shook my head.

“How did you get out?!” One of the men demanded angrily. The corner of my lip pulled up and I raised an eyebrow.

“Unfortunately, I’m not quite into being tied up, I prefer it the other way around if you know what I mean,” I chuckled, tracing my tongue over my bruised lip feeling blood seep out and stain my lips like a dark lipstick.

“I’m not into games,” the same men tightly replied as they closed in, circling around me.

“Oh but you see, I am!” My legs leaped up as I sidestepped the man to my left kneeing him where the sun doesn’t shine whilst simultaneously shooting the guy in front of me. Groaning, he fell to the floor as the gun slipped from his fingers and fell into my hands. Two men down, two to go. Bullets flew through the air like rockets, cutting through the heavy, damp air. Most of them hit the wall behind me creating some of the wall to break apart, crafting an escape.

I shot across the room behind one of the remaining guys using him as a shield as I shot the last guy. He dropped to the ground but not before one of his bullets grazed my side. Searing pain burst to life inside me as I kicked my human shield to the ground, knocking his gun away and shooting him as well.

I hummed and scanned the scene, falling upon the guy still groaning in pain. I rolled my eyes at his pathetic self, painting the floor with his blood with one last shot. Readjusting my leather jacket, I strut out of hole in the wall holding my head up high despite the pain. I felt blood trickle down the stomach and colour my shirt with its essence. Ignoring it, I plucked my other hair clip from my head and clicked the button hearing the building I was previously in explode into flames.

I smile as I admire the stunning artwork I had created. The crumbling fragments of walls flew in all directions whilst the red and orange beast devoured what had remained. Spinning on my heel, I walked off ignoring the blood that trickled down my body and the bullet in my stomach. That was an incredibly fun game, yet it was too easy, I wanted a real challenge.

Maybe next time, I thought as my heart roared in excitement.

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