Submitted by nlove
Write a poem based on the theme of illusions.
Whether this be something magical, deceptive, or imagined, keep illusions as your central theme.
Between the Lines
Look at that kid over there
What do you see?
Long hair, and feminine voice
Wearing that dress, not by choice
But look between the lines
What do you see now?
A binder and a bracelet with he/him pronouns
He is a boy and that's all that's there
Let him be who he is, don't stop and stare
The world deceives us, forcing pink and blue on us
But look between the lines, and then there's more of us
There's more to this earth than meets the eye
Don't tell us that we need to hide
We are part of this world, and we are important
Reminders that sometimes we're born into a disguise
Look at that kid over there
What do you see?
A kid
A kid is all that's there
Don't traumatize him because he figured out the truth, it isn't fair
But look between the lines
What do you see now?
A community of people, just enjoying life and the progress we've made now