
The treasure was ours.

Resting in the middle of the sea, exposed by the humming seals and resonating with the impossibly large emblem directly below us, exposing the grandiose entrance. The waves began to part, and our journey was finally about to be rewarded.

The map completely failed, however, to warn us about the treasure’s keeper.

A glowing humanoid figure bursts out from the waves, rumbling at us in a burning tone, demanding to know who we are. What we were doing there? Have they come for the treasure?

Struck by shock and fear, we foolishly reply in the affirmative, nodding up and down like a child asking for christmas presents.

The keeper did not like this answer.

The waves around us grow more turbulent, thrasing against the helm as the ship begins to lift into the air, carried by the ruthless waves as they surge against the floor of the ship.

But as we were lifted into the sky, the water begins to turn to sand.

The entity wasn’t going to drown us.

It was going to crush us.

We crashed into the ground, the ship somehow still upright.

When we finally came to,

the sea was gone.

The treasure seal was no longer visible, the waves now dunes of the desert.

With the ship slowly deteriorating by the day, we desperately scour the tattered maps. They got us into this mess.

They have to get us back out of it.

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