Describe the feeling of somberness without using closely related synonyms such as stern, depressed, or sad.

Try to use a variety of metaphorical devices to create an image that emits a sense of somberness.

Black Out

I guess my heart is too leaden with what happened, so heavy that my body collapses under all its weight. Slowly my knees start to quake and my ankles quiver. The ground begins to grow, it reaches to my head; that’s when I usually black out. This time it was different. I couldn’t black out. I couldn’t get away from the curse mutating in my soul. All I could do was crumble. My head was pierced with the bright sun, my eyes were too used to darkness. To move any part of my corpse would take the strength of one hundred men. But not even one person would help me. I’m sure it wasn’t as busy as it seemed at the time but I could’ve sworn the passers-by were increasing by the thousands all there to watch me fall. I squeezed my eyelids into my sockets pushing my palms agains my skull. I needed to get away. I needed to black out. Just black out. Black out. Black out. A scream echoed through my insides I couldn’t escape this, I needed to though. Desperately I smashed my knuckles into the thick gravel, perhaps I could’ve punched my way to the other side. Or perhaps my malediction was to survive with the gaping wound inside. {Edited} I think this is alright (it’s kind of based off the scene in Moon knight at his mothers funeral).
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