Lost Friendship

We used to be

the best of friends,

Thinking that friendship

would never end,

We used to talk

a lot together

But now we share

no pleasure.

The feeling of trust,

The kind that won’t rust

Is dearer than gold

In this world so cold,

Once, oh once,

we held it in our hands,

Once, we knew

of those beautiful lands,

Where friends care deeply

for each other,

Where nothing is

ever at all a bother,

Gone, now gone

so far away,

Everything in life

seems gray,

I wish for a moment

I could step back,

See why it is that

we got off track,

Oh, I just miss the days

we once shared,

Back when we both cared,

When under the moon

Or the sun at noon,

In the hot summer months

Or when winter confronts,

There was always something

Deep inside,

Something happy,

before our friendship died,

And now the sky full of stars

seems dead and cold,

A place once so magical

now hurts to behold.

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