The Perfect Murder

“How do you plan to get away with this psycho.”

Steve screamed out at his faceless captor who had held him in an emptied out indoor swimming pool for the past 3 days.

A laugh escaped his captors lips a long mad laugh a shiver went down Steve’s back listening to this laugh he felt like a cornered animal more than he already did before of course. “How do I plan to get away with this, seriously who do you think you are.”

Steve looked at his captors with a confused terrified expression. This caused his captor to laugh even more hysterically. “What what’s so funny!” Steve managed to say.

“What’s funny is you think I can’t get away with this you’re quite literally the perfect victim, by the time anyone will realize you’re gone all the evidence will be gone lost to the sea of time. While you’re rotting away every one will be blissfully unaware that you have died. When do you think people will realize that they haven’t seen you, really ask yourself.”

These words were like cold water splashed on Steve’s face a sick realization went through his mind

‘How often do I meet with anyone, how often do I call anyone when was the last time I had a consistent relationship months years, has anyone even reported me missing yet’

A sick smile appeared on his captors face not that he could see it with blinding light shining on him currently. “Looks like you finally figured it out, you’re a nobody who nobody would realize if you were even gone, no parents, no friends, and no relationships hell you’ve just been riding off your inheritance for the past couple months so you don’t even have any coworkers to realize your sudden disappearance your own lazy secluded life style is what makes you the perfect victim.”

A shot rang out in the abandoned community pool miles from where anyone could here it. No one aware of this perfect murder.

(Sorry if it’s bad or cringey I’m very new to writing)

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