Write a scene where a character confesses their (unreturned) love for another.

The stars above

The wind blows, causing his brown hair to move slightly. His brown eyes are sparkly from the bright stars looking down on us. We had a picnic earlier and now that’s it nighttime, we decided to lay down and look at the stars.

“That’s the big dipper.” He raises his arm and points at the sky. I follow his finger as he waves it around and it’s true, there’s the big dipper.

His other arm is under my head and my hand is laying on his chest.

“You wanna know something.” I ask. We both turn our heads and make eye contact. The way his eyes are peering into my soul makes my heart flutter.

“Hm?” Smiling, I finally say the three words that i’ve been holding in forever.

“I love you.” I admit. His eyes light up and he stands up, leaving me laying on the ground alone. Does he love me?

“You love me?” His voice cracks and he bites his lip, trying to hide his smile.

I stand up, taking exactly one step forward, leaving one inch between us. I nod and the next thing I know, i’m in the air being twirled. He sets me down and raises his hand, putting my long front piece of hair behind my ear.

“I love you too.” He smiles. I don’t dare try and hide my smile because i’ve been waiting to here those words escape from his lips for the longest time.

“God, i’m so in love with you.” He says quietly, making butterflies appear in my stomach. I stand up on the tip of my toes and place my lips on his.

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