Bruised Passports
Write a poem about travelling using this title.
Bruised Passports (not a poem, sorry)
Jess stood in front of her father. He stares through her holding an old sock he found on the floor. He slowly taps it against her leg like a ticking clock in slow motion. She stood waiting for a hug but not wanting to ask. Across the room her older brother is in his bunk bed. The duvet is wrapped tightly around him and he refuses to budge.
“C’mon Dylan! We’re going to miss our flight,” said their mother.
“I’m not coming!”
“Yes, you are. Now get up!” She looks towards Dave, “you need to move your son. I’m not dealing with this.” Katherine stomps out the room into the hallway and starts stuffing some clothes into an already full suitcase.
“Do you know what, he can stay here with you for all I care, Dave.” Jess looks over at her mum anxiously.
“What? But I don’t want to....” Jess pauses not knowing what to say. She really didn’t want to move country and live with her awful step father. But she didn’t want to leave her mother either. She looks at her father but he just sat frozen except for the incessant tapping. Her eyes meet his and it is like she is looking through glass. “I...I...”
“You what Jess?” She now stood close to Jess with her hands on her hips and her eyes widened waiting for a response. Her father suddenly stopped tapping. He gets up and slides between Katherine and Jess to leave the room. Jess looks down on the floor as she rubs her feet together swaying side to side a little. Katherine meets her at eye level, “What is with you today? You’re all jittery. Don’t be scared of flying. It will all be fine.” She kisses her on the forehead then goes back to her last minute packing.
Jess stares at the floor and feels hot tears roll down her feet. She couldn’t possibly stay with her father after what happened last night. But she didn’t want what was waiting for her on the other side of the Atlantic. She wishes she could stay with her brother or that he would come with her. She thought that her step dad wouldn’t dare touch his biological child. So, she knew she was next in line for the bruises.