Gone, Ginger

Purple collar with a golden tag. Golden hair with white trim around the legs. A fluffy tail that droops, but never poofy. Quietly she sleeps at the end of the bed. Snuggled up with your feet enjoying your heat while sharing her own. Morning comes with breakfast to enjoy. We share a meal one last time. She steals your scraps while you stifle a yawn. No reason to be concerned anymore. You grab the leash and walk to the car. Ready to see her enjoy the ride she adores. Appointment to keep, but every reason to stall. One last walk before the warm dark. Slowly we stroll no more hurry to go. Searching and finding, every smell was revealed. Familiar they may have been, but always wanting more. Up the hill to the car at your side like she does. Licking your hand and giving you love. Park the car, close the door, one last hug and kiss for her nose. Always to be remembered the best friend you could hope for.

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