Love And Hate Poem

Love and hate walk side by side,

Two shadows in the waning light,

One a whisper, soft and sweet,

The other with a growl of night.

Love blooms in the brightest dawn,

In soft embraces, warm and true,

It builds a bridge from heart to heart,

And colors life in every hue.

Hate, however, seethes in dark,

A silent storm within the breast,

It feeds on fear, on doubt, on pride,

And never lets the soul find rest.

Yet there are moments when they meet,

Their paths entwined by fate's decree,

When love turns cold and fades away,

Or hate gives in, sets anger free.

For love and hate are closer still

Than we might dare to understand,

Two sides of the same burning flame,

Two forces shaped by the same hand.

So as they cross, both fierce and fair,

And walk the line that fate has drawn,

They teach us all what hearts can bear

In light of love, in hate's dark dawn.

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