An alien and a human discuss the concept of love.
Think about what love might mean to another species, and how they would discuss it or think about it differently from humans.
“It’s when you care about somebody deeply
It’s a very complex emotion but is a deep emotion towards someone. Like a mother to her child or somebody to their spouse”. Says Abby
“Ohhhh is see, on our planet we don’t refer to it as love” says alien
“We actually don’t have a name for it
But we all feel that we are this, love
And it isn’t an emotion
It’s who we are as beings
Which is why I believe we don’t have a name for it
We just refer to it as …. Us or we
Everyone experiences this
Everyone is love”
Abby sits down with a hopeless look on her face
“Well here on earth there is always an opportunity to experience love but not everybody does
Death is guaranteed but love isn’t
Some people get caught up in patterns influenced by societal structure that inhibits them to experience it.
Habits, addictions, unfulfilling jobs,
But I haven’t given up on love
I know I am capable of it
And one day I will be able to love”