A spaceship docks silently at an abandoned intergalactic outpost.
Focus on creating tension from the very start of the story. You do not have to resolve the plot.
10 days since last contact.
My dad was famous around our base for his weekend high jinx. One time he turned up after a particular exciting outing in Commander Crush’s cargo hold. A peace officer dropped him outside on our doorstep. I still remember the smell when I opened the door cause my dad had shit-stained pants. All in all, he was gone 5 days that time. Never 10.
His watch GPS last pinged here, Grandoff Station, an abandoned outpost. No one has been here in years. Except my dad for some reason.
My brother Ralph said to leave him to his business. “He’s not our problem anymore.”
I look thru my binoculars at the rough terrain. Plant life has engulfed the former space port.
Then something shiny catches my eye.
I rush 10 yards forward to find my dad’s watch. The face is stained in dried blood.