Write a romance story originating in a graveyard.

The location should be crucial to the story.

The Widowed Man

It was dark and gloomy as if pain and sorrow had exploded on the world. Fog covered the grown and the smell of death lingered in the air. Stumbling through the graves, dragging a trash bag behind me, I found I was not the only living visitor of here. A man, my age or a bit older, weeping beside a newer gravestone looked up at me.

You could tell it was new by the fresh dirt on the ground and the tears in his eyes. Only that of a newly broken man could cry like that. I've seen those tears, I've felt that pain.

I kneel beside him and look him in the eyes. The pain in his expression spoke for the words stuck in his throat. I offered a hand to help him up and he reluctantly took it. He seemed as if he were ashamed of himself. “What’s your name, sir”? I ask with as much warmth in my voice as I could get on a cold night like this. He swallowed the lump in his throat and quietly answered,


“Nicholas, I understand your going through a lot right now and this might not be the best time to tell you this but, the graveyard closes early on Sundays” he sniffled a bit before clearing his throat once again,

“Why would they close down a cemetery early on Sunday?”

“When I find an answer to that question, you'll be the first person I tell” I shoot a quick smile and drop my head,

“Believe me I don't want to interrupt anything but I also don't want to lose my job. Come back tomorrow, we open at 7:00.”

He shook his head and began to collect his things. He pulled one singular white rose from his bag and gently placed it on the grave. He gave me one more quick last look before heading to his car.

I took a look at the grave to read the name of one of death's latest victims. “Meghan Barkley 1997-2021” I read aloud. “All angels must gain their wings one day”. Wow, she was so young. A pity.

I finish up my duties in the cemetery and head my way on out. I lock the doors behind me with a sigh of exhaustion. The night was finally over. I make my way back to my apartment and get ready for bed.

As I lied in bed I couldn't help myself but think of the pain in his eyes, I couldn't help but sympathize with him. His face and name began to bother me more as the night went on. I found myself searching for his Facebook, just out of curiosity, I found that Meghan had been his late wife.

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