I know I stand that people are not perfect

And they should be allowed to make mistakes,

But you have gone far beyond the reason

Drawing a new line with each new step

Now I know what is it you're about,

You can't still cling to the facade you've made;

To make me think – deep down i still love you

And trap inside a vase with bramble vails

And if you stopped,

Turn around and noticed

It might not have gone so far to hell

But in the end, it wasn't _you_ who fell

For screaming, "Why can't you just get it?"

And say that you have love me, from the start

Does it even matter? Does it, really?

In the end, will it set us part?

I know you do, I knew it for a long time

Even thought you never act on it

Never once you cared or showed affection

Just scoffed, and turned around, blindly left

I'll break this sound structure of illusion

It wasn't meant for classic "you and me"

So yes, I can reply with said "I love you"

But would it make a difference if it's plea?

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