Write a character's internal monologue that includes an example of stream of consciousness.

Stream of consciousness is a literary technique that represents the flow of a character's thoughts and feelings as they occur in real time, without logical order or punctuation.

First Period

It’s been . . . Five minutes.

Or was it ten?

. . . At least ten runthroughs of the chorus of Circus by Britney Spears.

So probably five.

I can’t see the clock from here, thank you mom and dad for making me inherit your nonexistent eyesight.

Why is the teacher always glaring at me from across the room? I’m like the most respectful one in this damn classroom, gawk at the guy with his pants falling off his ass instead.

Is my friend looking at me yet? Nope, guess I’m not going to be able to play Rock Paper Scissors from across the room with them. Do I have any extra paper inside of my Chromebook? I want to make some more fortune tellers.

Maybe I shouldn’t right now actually, she’ll notice. Unless I hide my hands behind my computer screen.

Which is what I’m going to do.

Let’s see, what is everybody talking about today . . .

Wow, that is some pretty weird dream. When was the last time I dreamt? Oh yeah, I did this morning. I can’t remember what it was about though, damnit.

Are the guys seriously talking about Lego Fortnite right now? Oh well. Skibidi blah blah blah and that bullshit I guess.

. . . The teacher’s not looking. I’m gonna draw . . . Oh! This one is actually pretty good, I’ll show my friends this at lunch.

I’m getting pretty bored, come on imagination. Make up something to pass the time, maybe an edit of myself or whatever. Nevermind, that song sucks, you have horrible music taste me.

Great, now it’s stuck in my head.

What homework do I have again? Eh, I don’t feel like doing it. I’ll just save it for tomorrow.

I wish I didn’t forget to bring my books today, it’d make things less boring. Ahhhhhhhh—

Oh FINALLY, we’re doing something other than I-Ready.

Can everybody shut up already?

I hate this school so fucking much.

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