Power: the capacity to direct or influence the behaviour of others, or the course of events.

Introduce a character who holds a position of power, and write about how they use this power. Try to think outside the box of political/business/wealth -based power.


Reflection. Apology. Admittance.

The trio that rendered pride devoid.

Anger. A flash point of emotions. What was the final catalyst? Insecurity.

Swirling shadows shifted embarrassed around a figure constructed of mystery, while anxious toes nudged away stray stones. Mutely, they entered the eldritch cottage of scowling walls, hostility lingered in curling tendrils… waiting to strike. Unfamiliarity, crawled like deranged larvae under their skin leaving behind hollow tunnels for the imposter to suffocate in.

Abandoning their shoes, and carelessly casting away the ebony cloud that once hung from their shoulders, they began to search. Systematically, combing every room, every crevice, and every slither of shadow. It seemed the ancient stones were devoid of life, leaving a snapshot of what was. Agitated spiders tapped relentlessly at their intestinal lining, begging them to allow to be guided by the blind arachnid sight.

Their head shook once… twice… thrice, before they knocked with cautious fingers on the expressionless wood. Heavy sorrow snatched the remaining air from their cerise sponges, a soft gasp escaped their lips. Dread tiptoed around the figure, examining the remains, eager for a lamenting meal. Yet it was the silence that cut the deepest.

The floorboards groaned under the shifting weight of unsteady feet, until they saw a foetus of darkness. Tightly curled under the protective shell of soft down. It seemed on the edge of a great precipice, ready to commit to the dizzying roll of dying breath.

Thoughts bombarded their mind, a barrage of realisation.

‘How has she hidden this?’

‘In all these years you never noticed how bad it was inside her mind!’

‘Who are you kidding, she never let you remember who she was!’

‘What are you going to do about the mess you made?’


That single word drove clarity into the fray.

That is why she never let anyone remember a single detail about herself, and this was something she could control with ease, they knew that.

“Kat? I… I apologise for losing my temper with you.” Tentative words hung briefly, before scattering on the phantom’s breath, yet the shell shifted slightly- a chink in the impenetrable armour.

Marching forwards with renewed hope they continued, “It was totally uncalled for, I shouldn’t have said any of those things. Especially, conceited because you are far from it, in fact you are one of the rare people who sacrifice everything for the greater good. If I deserve your forgiveness… I would like to help you solve the puzzle. I would love to hear what you have to say, you know the solution?”

At last, the shell cracked, revealing a dishevelled head, with eyes scratched raw by an internal storm. Voice cracked and worn, you joke, “The Hooded Figure admitting they are wrong? I think the fresh air got to their brain and made them go soft- quick someone document this monumental occasion!”

Before hurriedly retreating from the advancing wicked gleam in Bea’s eye, “Take that back!” She growled prodding the trembling bundle on the bed.

“No! Never!” You retorted huskily.

A well-aimed shove almost sent you flying off the edge of the bed. Through broken laughter you plead, “Actually, I take everything back! Just let me live long enough to finish my quest!”

“Good! Right, as you say we have a quest to finish, care to share how?”

Emotions trapped on a pendulum; forth, back, forth. A force that can’t be stopped even after the final sigh.

“I am sorry too; I should have spoken to you before rushing off on a whim. We need to go back to the music room; I need to play the piece again and you watch the objects closely. Hopefully, the colours show a clue to their place in the puzzle, and you move the objects into the correct places.”

Bea dragged your tousled limbs from the warm cocoon, you stumbled in the sudden change of light. Perhaps you should reconsider letting her oversee the puzzle.

Whining at your sluggish steps, Bea uttered, “Come on Kat! We haven’t got all night!”

Chasing away the roosting starlings, you clear your mind. Ambling over to the sleek body you caress the cool wood, before lifting the lid. You let the timeless melody pour out, like liquid glass. Fragile, yet tough.

Closing your shutters, you force out the world becoming emersed into the defined phrases. Picking out notes that needed to be accented, distinguished from the rest. Climbing the summit, you reach for the crescendo, simultaneously the objects erupted into magnificent wonder.

Cartwheeling through unseen marvel you never got to witness the moment when the luminous streams met. A web of technicolour finally revealed its secret, with quivering hands, Bea began to rearrange the objects strewn across the floor.

Not until the final chord was struck did you regain your sight, monochrome persuaded and slaughtered by dichromaticism. Clarity folded her wings, as she settled into the folds of your mind.

You had found everything you had been searching for and more.

In the middle of the Yorkshire moors, in a secluded cottage, you were about to make world history. Not alone, no, you were going to make it with the only person you would sacrifice everything for. Rising like an elegant Sweet Pea, you moved to Bea’s side.

Wordlessly, studying the square that had neatly been laid out, drawing your eyebrows together you tried to understand why there were two missing pieces. Tirelessly, the luminescence persisted.

Quietly, you lead Bea to the heart of the square, the glow of the forest eloquently cast shadows over her features. Nothing happened. Maybe there was only meant to be one person at the centre. You withdrew, trying to gain an outside perspective of how the pieces connected.

As you were contemplating all the possible solutions, Bea audibly inhaled snapping you from your reverie.

“Kat, don’t you realise that the colours we are radiating are a clue?”

Tilting your head in confusion, you waited for further explanation.

Patiently, with a tone that might be love, Bea began, “Look I’ll show you,” She moved away slightly to better explain, “Silver the colour of enlightenment, healing, sophistication, and innovation.” Her slender finger pointed to the silver broach.

Swinging around like a compass needle, she picked out the ruby hair clip, “Red the colour of danger, seduction, adventure, and primal life forces.”

“Gold the colour of wealth, extravagance, wisdom, and courage,” The gold bracelet seemed shy at the attention, relieved when the intense gazes moved onto the parchment depicting a violet bouquet, “Purple the colour of nobility, mystery, magic, and creativity.”

Briefly, your eyes locked together, a fleeting moment of vulnerability. Touching her own shoulder Bea continued, “Green the colour of nature, harmony, fertility, and luck. Lastly, blue the colour of trust, intelligence, stability, and freedom.” She turned her attention on you, causing your ears to be tickled pink- but not through amusement.

“Between these colours the universe is summed up, all be it briefly, this means that you, Kat, need to be in the centre of the square,” A loving hand moved you to the centre.

It was in that moment that the threads of gentle luminosity darted towards you, the way had been found.

Understated, yet importantly Bea concluded, “See, Kat, you are the centre of everything. You are the Universe, both known and unknown, that comforts the global population. The sky above us, the space around us and the water that sustains us.

As for me, I am the Earth. I provide the stability to your unpredictability. I am the understood, the unconquerable and the giver. The Earth and Universe shouldn’t find harmony, but no matter the distance that separates them they will find a way to be united.

People of the Earth look up and see endless possibilities and are reminded that despite everything they simply cannot conquer the whole Universe. The stars look down upon the creatures of the Earth with love and remind those who are lost that there is always a way, if they allow the stars to guide them.

As above, so below and so the soul.

Everything is interconnected, everything is something, something is nothing, yet nothing is everything. You and I, Universe and Earth, are all made up of the same elements.

By proxy this means every living and non-living thing on this ball of rock is related and nothing should stop mutual acceptance and respect. However, where the Universe has gained consciousness, individuality came hand in hand with prejudice. One cannot be who they are without being judged. Everyone casts judgement on others, where there is judgement there will be hate.

Life is in death and death is in life. Some day we will all return to the Earth as nothing more than ash, and some day in the very far future we will all return to the universe. Nothing can break the connection forged all those billions of years ago and in this moment, we are going to reaffirm that connection.”

Stepping to the side, Bea aligned herself with you so the path between you was straight and narrow. You felt something powerful surge within you, as Bea moved to face you just outside the square of objects.

Lines of red, silver, gold and purple anchored onto the fixed blue centre.


Just like spider silk, five individual lines unravelled from your chest to join with the steady green outlying force. Twisting together to create an unbreakable rope, a mighty flash of phosphorus light fulminated in the small room. Temporarily blinded, the Universe and Earth had to trust in each other to remain steady, if one of them moved then a rift so powerful it would tear everything known into oblivion.

The lightening rippled across the world, announcing with unshakable certainty that no more would there be separation. Every country would be given the choice to join the Great Council. There would be no presiding figure, just a simple mutual agreement to listen.

It was the start of a great change. Catalysed by two people who struggled to trust anyone. Who came together by chance, by putting faith in one another they became an example to them all.

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