Blue and red lights flash in the distance, but it’s not the police.
How can you use the literary technique of subverting expectations to write a compelling story?
Mothers Love
In a neighborhood, more dangerous than most
A young woman roams.
Her awkward gate of feigned confidence
And slight tremble in her throat,
Is a clear sign of her discomfort
And unfortunately for her, everybody knows.
If it wasn’t her strut then it was her clothes.
The clothes shown on tv shows to represent these neighborhoods.
She wears old clothes slightly beat up believing that’s how it goes.
But she should’ve thought harder before doing so.
They know an outsider like winter knows snow.
She shouldn’t have been there and she herself knows.
But as a mother, her children’s safety comes first as most mothers know.
Her knees knocking her eyes jumping around
as she passed from house to house hoping they would just come out.
But no her children are no where to be found.
Then she sees red and blue lights flashing off in the distance.
She hopes this will be the saving grace that she oh so needed.
So she walks and walks and never stops.
And the lights get no closer, nor to far
Because she is not their at all.
Shes laying on the white bed
The periodic beeping of her breathing
as eerie as it is comforting
Now and Forever trapped in her mind.
Because that memory was her last as she lays in a coma
And her now grown children watching over her.
They will never find out how far there ma would go to protect them.
They will never know how her soul, even in a frozen body, still searches for them.