Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.
Red Snow
Her feet were so cold they burned with every step. Trying to grasp her surroundings she stumbled through the dimly lit forest. Fresh snow compacting under her feet, leaving a very noticeable trail behind her.
Just then a branch in the distance cracked, allowing her knowledge that they were close. With no time to stop she started to run in what she thought was a straight direction until she had nothing left in her to run. Her lungs felt like they were going to burst through her chest and her feet were turning all shades of blue and purple she collapsed not knowing she was only feet away from the road. As her vision faded out and her body got a false sense of warmth, she looked up at the night sky desperate for an answer.
Everything went black.
Before she had a chance to open her eyes she heard the hum of machines accompanied by the soft beeps. As her eyes fluttered open she tried to prop herself upright and couldn’t. Panic reset in as she inspected down her body with her eyes. Her wrists and ankles were bound to the bed she was on. The thin hospital gown offering her no shelter or warmth when the realization hit, they had caught her. Tears started to well up in her eyes but she knew better than to show signs of weakness. Knowing them this room would be wired with cameras and microphones monitoring her every movement. That meant they knew she was awake before she knew where she was. This is her first disadvantage, second would be being constricted down to the bed. She had to think of her options here and if she even had any.