Dare to dream

Dare to dream

That’s what they taught us in school

You can be anything you want

What do you want to be when you grow up?

It’s a cruel game if you think about it

All of these grown ups asking us about our dreams

Willing us to imagine our future fantasies

When they themselves gave up on theirs

Do they want to live through us?

Or do they just want someone to join them in their misery?

Well I have dared to dream

And I will continue to dream until the day I die

They’re already telling me to give up

You tried your best and that’s all you can really do

Now you just need to settle down

Become a wife, have children, create a family home

Or if you’re one of those feminists study law or business or economy

Your dream did not come true so it’s time to move on

I refuse

Giving up on my dream means giving up on myself

They say that I’m too old to dream

I’m ridiculous, foolish, deluded

Am I though?

Am I not that much stronger because I refuse to settle?

I refuse to conform to how society dictates I should live

I am not too old to dream

You are never too old to dream

The day that you renounce to your aspirations

The day that you stop listening to your inner child

_That _is the day that you will become old

So yes, dare to dream

Dare to dream for your whole life

And you’ll be forever young

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