You're A zoombie…

There was dark inside the hallway, at 12am at night. QuasiModo was wide Wake in his bed. A strange screaming voice of a young girl awoke him. He reached for his side lamp but it couldn't switch on, so he switch on his torch and came outside his room. He went to his balcony in search of the girl. Unfortunately the balcony’s door to the front hill was open, with a heavy heart he climbed up the hill. And he noticed bright fairylights on his way. Following the lights he noticed a broken head of a doll covered in blood. And her body hanging up the tree. A strange screaming voice said, Quasi are you here? And the Zoombie grabbed his hand and dragged him to her grave. It was the night of full moon when the underworld creatures come to life where bats scream in the howeling wind. With a flash of lighting Quasimodo became a Zoombie himself.

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