Your main character has been charged with a crime they did not commit. Fortunately they know who the real culprit is, but it won't be easy to give them up...

Think about the circumstances of this crime, why your character has been implicated, and why they can't easily give the culprit up.


There was two rules when you’re talking to the cops.

First, don’t lie.

Second, know your right to an attorney.

In his confusion, Benjamin was following one of those rules more strictly than the other.

“Benjamin Wild” the man seated across from him asked sternly.

“Y-yes. Why am I here?”

“Where were you between the time of 10:00 to 10:45”

“Working, why?”

“Because a women by the names of Jasmine Waller has been raped and assaulted on the grounds of the city park.” A women said, throwing down a photo in front of him.

Benjamin flinched as the the comparing photo. On the left was a young woman, round face, black hair, full lips, sleek eyebrows, fairly attractive. On the right her lip was busted, she had a black left eye and a bruise on her right cheek.

“Look familiar Benjamin?” The woman asked again.

“No, I don’t recognize her. Why are you showing this to me?”

“Because Jasmine claimed to be attacked by a man with your description, and the park security camera shows you walking away from the crime scene at 10:37, five minutes after the time of the assault.” The man explained as the women placed yet another photo in front of Benjamin.

Benjamin felt his heart plummet. It wasn’t him. But he did recognize that face. There was only one person he knew that looked so similar to himself, and yet, he had an empty hope it wasn’t him.

“T-that’s not me, it can’t be.”

“Oh, and why is that?” The women asked.

“Like I said, I was working at that time.”

“Can you verify that alibi?”

“Yes, yes, my coworkers, uh, Kennith and David, they were both working at that time. My boss, Mr. Janklin, he was there too.”

“Oh was he now?”

“Yes, he was.”

“So, you do not recognize Jasmine, and you claim to be working at 10:30, where?”

“Donald’s Cornerstore, 1489 Laurel Street.”

“Donald’s Conerstore. Well, I suppose we can’t hold you any longer then. We will be looking into these alibis of yours, and listen here, Benjamin.” She said, leaning closer. “If we find out you have lied, we will pin this on you.”

Benjamin was shocked. He didn’t know what to do.

“You’re free to go.”

Benjamin didn’t hesitate to go home. Once there, he immediately called up a phone number he had all but memorized. At each dial tone his chest clenched tighter. Then he picked up.

“Eric? It’s your brother. We need to talk.”

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