The Mist

The mist was coming in again, reducing the world from a vast emptiness to a lonely void surrounded by the crumbling stones. Harry held his glow in the dark pumpkin before him, filled nearly to overflowing with candy and chocolate bars. He wasn’t afraid.

‘Hello little skeleton.’ The dead lady by the tree was in a really good costume, her latex mask bending with her face as she spoke. ‘Will you come and sit with me?’

Harry did feel tired, and his little feet had done a lot of steps up and down the street, constantly repeating the Halloween mantra of ‘trick or treat’. He pulled himself to sit on the stone sarcophagus beside her, grateful to rest his aching feet.

‘This statue of mother and son has been here in the graveyard for close to 200 years, though sadly the dedication has worn so we have no knowledge of their names.’

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