Art by Sans @

Monsters can be heroes too. Write a short story in which a monster saves the day.

Dragon Of Old

The old dragon lay in his cave far away from human and elven eyes. His body rose and fell as he struggled breathing. His look was quite terrifying no thanks to wars in the past. He has an ugly scar that ran from the bridge of his snout all the way down to his scaly chin. His vision in his eye wasn’t as good as it used to be, and his wings were tattered and shredded.

He remembered what happened 50 years ago. His young self with his even younger rider flying to who knew where doing who knew what. But war broke across the land, and both wanted action. So they joined the militia and fought bloody battles.

Then one day when the dew didn’t show on the grass it happened. The last battle that would determine freedom or suffering. As the dragon and his rider advanced in the frontlines, saw a new enemy emerge from the enemy. A huge dragon,like himself, only stronger,faster, and more deadly. The young dragon was afraid but he didn’t show it.

With a powerful roar he leapt to the sky for his attack! Only the other dragon thought of it first. They collided in the dawning sun and fought quite fiercely. The enemy dragon’s rider was looking at his rider the entire time with a crossbow at the ready. His rider on the other hand was too busy avoiding talons and teeth to notice his true enemy.

Then it happened. A piercing scream of pain rang in the dragon’s ear,and he felt his rider slump in his saddle as blood trickled from his back. The young rider was breathing heavily and took hold of his dragon’s ear.

“Keep fighting! Don’t lose! And… I … Love you.”

The dragon with horror before his eyes saw the rider fall out of his saddle and plummet to the ground. With a gruesome crack, the rider gave his last breath. The dragon roared a terrible moaning at the top of his lungs and lunged for his riders body.

The enemy neither cared nor pursued they just stared at the heartbroken dragon that clung to the body. With pain and anger in his veins he looked at the battlefield. Both men and horses had frozen in fear. There was Carnage all over the field and all the dragon could focus on was the fact that his rider was dead.

He gave a look of hatred at the dragon in the sky and felt his stomach begin heating with flame. He saw a javelin in the dirt and he looked back at the enemy dragon. Flame was escaping from the corner of his mouth as he picked up the javelin ,and laid his rider gently on the ground.

He leapt in anger beating his wings in rhythm of his hate. The dragon was circling around the battlefield and was waiting for the younger dragon. But the younger dragon knew what he was going to do. He looked at the enemy rider and couldn’t resist. Hot red flame burst out and shot towards the enemy rider. Screaming ensued as he was being burned alive. The enemy dragon looked outraged at his rider, but before he knew what happened he felt something Hot and sharp pierce his underbelly.

He looked down too find the younger dragon piercing the javelin ,he had coated with flame,into his underbelly.He felt blood trickling out of his mouth as he gasped in astonishingly. How? How could a pathetic young king ever kill him?

Using the butt end of the javelin the younger dragon thrust the dying bodies of the dragon and his rider, into the enemy line in the battle.With a thundering crash the flaming bodies rammed into their allies and killing them instantly.

The young dragon received thousands of praise as he scanned the ground for his fellow rider.Catching the scent he leaped to the body , picked it up, and after an hour of flying, buried his friend.

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