“Out of Order”

Write a poem about something that is out of order - you could take a literal approach, or try to work in a metaphorical theme.

Out Of Order Day

One day every year,

"Out of order day" They call it.

The poor are made rich,

Turned powerful to rule to world.

Millionaires must live on the streets.

Living lives they so despise.

And the ones they once oppressed,

Are now seeking revenge.

On this out of order day.

Inmates are the enforcers of law,

Police and firefighters in jail.

They can do just as they please,

To those who abused them before.

Mayhem and disorder follow.

Homes are destroyed,

Houses are burned down,

People are murdered,

By the formerly oppressed

Suddenly turned powerful.

On this out of order holiday.

Nature originally made it,

To walk in the shoes of others.

But didn't count on those,

Made poor by the greed of others

Seeking retribution,

On this out of order day.

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