You are a doctor who has to deliver some news to a patient - good or bad. Write a poem about your feelings on the matter before it happens.

Cancer Sucks.

Doctor doctor, I don’t feel well, I have this pain and it just won’t go away.

Well well Dawn, we must take some bloods and see what is wrong.

Okay doctor, please organise the tests. I will see you in a few days.

Dawn, I’m afraid I have some bad news. This isn’t simple and light, please take a deep breath and when you’re ready I will tell you.

I am ready doctor, please tell me, I have my partner here and we can handle anything together.

Well Dawn, you have cancer.

It has progressed throughout your body, it cannot be fixed.

You have less than 6 months to live.

You can stay at home but please if the pain gets too bad you need to come go to the hospital.

Tears shed down her face, as she looks at the doctor, she says:

Thank you, how did this happen?

Why was it missed?

Negligence Dawn, those doctor’s visits you had, they never thoroughly checked.

I am sorry to deliver this news, please make the most of the time you have left.

5 months later, Dawn passed on, she was comfortable and at peace in the hospital.

She had said her goodbyes and declarations of love, she passed peacefully in her sleep, surrounded by love and no more hate.

Fly free Dawny the Tawny eagle, in memory of Dawn, taken too soon by cancer.

Cancer really does suck.

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