Our destination

No my love, don’t say there’s so many paths,

It’s just one path,

that path is me.

My love seek the signs of nature,

wander through the grass.

Take the most beautiful flower from the ground,

And hand it over to your Queen.

Yes there will be dragons,

yes there will be trouble,

but my love,

follow your heart.

just like the smells of an aroma.

look to your right,

look towards your left,

find me with the knowledge of faith.

ok yes,

pray trust wait.

My love,

just don’t wait in vain.

i’ll love to see you try.

following each and every sign.

do you see that end in front?

that might be it.

but first look around you and explore.

learn through your journey,

fall and get up,

run my love, run!

just do it warmly like the sun.

as you reach your destination,

you’ll see its just the begining.

i’ll take a step back each time you take one more,

i’ll smile and say, “catch me”,

you’ll fight for me ,smile and say, “

“I can wait 20 years here until you take a step forward.”

i’ll run to your arms and whisper,

“my love, our destination is on the right!”

we’ll explore, fall and get back up,

until our souls become one.

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