
“Do you think that’s gonna do it?” I hear a voice ask. “It had better.” Another reply’s. I feel a cold liquid slide down my throat. It’s sweet, but sour. Cold ,but hot. Tasty, but bile. I blink open my eyes. There are four figures standing above me. And I slowly began to make out their features. My mothers long, blonde hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. My fathers bald head, tan skin, and gray eyes. I blink a few more times and the other two figures come into focus. The twins, my husband, and my best friend. Naomi’s long black hair, Wyatt’s short black hair. Naomi’s olive skin, Wyatt’s as well, and their brown eyes. If it hadn’t been for their opposite genders, you wouldn’t be able to tell the two apart. “Why are you guys standing above me like a bunch of creepers?” I ask. Naomi’s eyes tear up. “Oh my, your alive?” “Last I checked!”I giggle. Why are they acting like this. My moms eyes welling with tears, my fathers as well. Wyatt just stood above me wide eyed. I try to sit up, but a sharp pain in my chest pulls me straight back down. My father gasps, and moves to prop me up against a pillow. Not my pillow. I look down only to see a hospital gown, not my clothes. A doctor comes into view, frizzy brown hair, pale skin, round glasses, and blue eyes. “She lives! What took you so long?” He jokes. Wyatt shoots him a look so harsh, if looks could kill, he’d be the one in the hospital bed. “Chill lover boy, it was a joke.” “Someone mind telling me what’s happening?” “Ah yes, you were shot.” “Excuse me?” Shot. Oh my goodness, they thought I was dead. “Yes, in the attempt to save an innocent avloe. A person from beyond the wall, in case you forgot.” A memory flashes through my brain. It had been a young boy, probably born beyond the wall, and a gun pointed at his forehead. Me, Naomi, and Wyatt had been doing it for quite some time, saving avloe’s, either escorting them back beyond the wall or hiding them somewhere so the could have a normal life. “Did he…” “He lived.” Wyatt smiled. “Good. My almost dying was good for something.” I smile back. “The government doesn’t quite agree.” My mother commented. As if on cue we hear a loud banging on the door. “Marlee, James, and Naomi Parter, your under arrest for breaking the fourth law. Surrender yourself or we will remove you forcefully!”

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