Submitted by Brooklynn
"Every day for a year I’ve been doing this."
Write a story that includes this piece of dialogue
The Beginning Of 2022
New hopes are coming
Old hopes are crumbling
Will I become better?
Will I become smarter?
Will I show change?
Will I (finally) become taller?
Probably not
That’s what I feel a lot
New questions are arising
Old questions are ongoing
Will we finally stop isolating?
Will a mask stop fogging my vision?
Will the flights stop being cancelled?
Or will more variants leave us broken?
New responsibilities are coming
Old responsibilities are staying
Next year will be quite a change
Will I be able to face it head on?
I’m growing older, not young anymore
Will I forget, or stay true and strong?
New dreams have made their way
Maybe, just maybe, they’re here to stay
Things I never thought I could do
I’m finally giving them a chance
Maybe I can actually do amazing feats
Maybe I’m more than just first glance
I’ve made new resolutions
Maybe I’ll start to keep them
Cherish every moment, every day
Start planning for the not-so-distant future
Expand my variety of genres of books
Say no to my doubts and fears and more
Everyday for a year I’ve been grim and been forgetting
Maybe it’s times to hope and remember
Write for myself, not for anyone else
Help my family, the people I love most
Uphold the skills I’m already great in
And never, ever forget to hope
Exactly one year ago, I wrote a poem
Things didn’t go as planned, and it took its toll
But I’ll still dream
I will always remember
I will do what I love
And one day, I know that things will get better