Create a scene depicting the approach of a thunderstorm, without mentioning the sky.
What other elements feel different when a storm is approaching?
I knew it was coming before it was even here. I could smell it in the air. The ground smelled moist and earthy, even the sidewalks and streets. The birds were silent, except for the ravens and crows, they sang their sad songs to fill the silence the other birds left behind when they took shelter. The wind was strong with and howling, flipping the leaves on every tree to show their back sides. Waving about as if to say “We’re so thirsty, please give us a drink!”
I sat on my porch, book and coffee mug in hand, snuggled under a blanket and a sweater on the porch swing watching the dark grey clouds roll in. The sound of booming filled my ears like a sweet song. The air seemed filled with electricity. The fog came first, thick and heavy. The feel of it moist on my skin. Then came the rumbling.
It sounded almost like a gigantic dogs growl rumbling in its throat, then the loud booms came like loud barks. I breathed a happy sigh inwardly and looked out at the darkened scenery before me, counting the rumbles and booms in seconds to see how far away it was. Only when it was overhead did the suspension that came with its before open suddenly into loud thick wet rain drops, hurling towards the ground with great speed, sounding like a thousand men running from some unknown thing as they drops hit the ground.
I grinned as I watched the rainfall, and giggled as thunder boomed. This was the weather I loved and craved. I snuggled into my blanket and put my book down to watch the beautifully eerie and melonchaly sight infront of me. It was much more beautiful a story than the words I read on a page.