Your character is at a feast but cannot eat a single mouthful.

Think about what could be preventing your character from tucking into the food, and how you can portray their emotions.


“Thank you very much”… her voice wavered, as the waiter placed a bowlful of soup in front of her.

She savoured the smell… “So good”, she thought.

Mavis looked around at everyone seated; all talking.

Sometime later, the waiter returned to collect her bowl.

“Everything ok, Madam?” he asked

“Yes, thank you”, muttered Mavis, under her fluttering napkin.

The full bowl was removed carefully,

“Oooh… lovely… My favourite!” exclaimed Mavis, when the main was brought before her gleaming eyes.

Mavis inhaled the joyous smell of meat and fresh vegetables. She loved a hearty meal.

Mavis looked around at her counterparts, all looking happy and ready to ravish their food.

“For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful!”

Grace came a bit late. Starter was over. Some had started their mains already.

“Tuck in… please!” said the Chairperson of the dinner.

Mavis fiddled with her chicken… cut it up a bit. Then she started dissecting her potatoes. Mavis tossed and turned her food, her knife and fork playing duel hopscotch across the plate and back again… then she played pea hockey. Mavis built a football pitch on the china base; started building walls with her parsnips and built substantial goals with her firm sprouts.

Quite a work of art, in fact. Definitely warranted a selfie for the gallery… but not with a smile, if only she had her phone.

The waiter returned and cast his eyes around her creation.

“Oh… that looks great, madam.”

He leaned down, in a peaceful manner, towards Mavis.

“Are you not hungry?”

The waiter paused and looked at Mavis with a quizzical eye, waiting for a response, or an excuse.

Mavis shook her head with a pitiful look, and laughed with her mouth closed.

The waiter caught her eye.

“Would you like pudding?”

Mavis gave him a nod.

“Jelly and ice cream, ok?”

Mavis pouted, gave him two thumbs up and smiled with her mouth firmly shut.

Thank God for that, she thought.

Good old fashioned party food.

The waiter returned.

“Here we go, madam… especially for you!”

He patted Mavis gently on her shoulder .

“I hope you enjoy your meal.”

He smiled and winked at Mavis then turned away.

Mavis blew a kiss at his departing kindness, and this time, smiled with parted lips… a happy and shiny pink crescent.

Mavis hungrily slurped her pudding from the soup spoon, then tipped her bowl at forty five degrees and used her tongue to dap up the draining jelly.

Mavis finished, licked her lips and wiped her puckered mouth with her napkin.

One thought in her mind. Dentist on Monday.

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