Write a short story about a birthday party that almost goes wrong.
What almost ruins the day? What saves it?
Deadly Panic
Z never liked celebrating birthdays. They were useless waste of time. The soldiers shouldn’t be celebrating someone’s inevitable journey towards death, they should be focusing on the Alters coming and potentially killing them all. Her father was always an optimistic man, always too caring and too considerate and every individual in the colony. It will be his downfall one day and although she loves him to death, Z will not shed him a single tear if his death was caused by said consideration.
“Z, could you at least try to have fun?”
Speak of the god damn devil
She gives her father an eyeroll before flashing him the biggest smile she could manage. Her father sighs and leans against the wall next to her, watching everyone have their fun. “I know this isn’t your ideal way of spending your time with your crew mates, but at least don’t waste this kind of moment” her father said fondly, smiling as he sees the birthday boy get his face smashed in a cake
Z scoffs and crosses her arm at her fathers remark. “This party is more of a waste of time than leaning on this wall. The Alters don’t give two shits if its someones birthday, they could come and ruin this place as we twiddle our thumbs and distract ourselves. As everyone does dumb shit, I still keep watch and protect everyone, even the “general” of the battalion is playing around like a child” She jabs at her father, earning a frown and grunt from him. “You clearly underestimate my soldiers” he huffs, crossing his arms and looking at her directly in the eye
“I have been fighting for years, as well as my most talented, hard working soldiers. We know better than to let our guard down at anytime, but constantly being tense and on guards throughout your entire life is straining. This distraction makes my men stronger, believe it or not-“ Z laughs at this. He can’t be serious, this bullshit is softening these bastards. Doesn’t he see it, every party or celebration they have between fighting is making them childish and nonsensical!! They barely made it out of their last due to a stupid plan they wanted to “try out”. They aren’t taking anything seriously anymore. All the seniors seem like babies now, and her father the biggest child out of all of them. Nothing about this is making them stronger
Z gets up from the wall and jabs her finger into her fathers chest. “Don’t make me fucking laugh, you guys have clearly lost your vigor ever since you started getting sentimental. Our whole battalion has been slacking and fighting like this is all a fucking joke! And YOU have the audacity to they they’re getting stronger, you’re the biggest problem they have right now. One day this shit you’re doing is gonna get you killed, dad. If this shit keep continuing, you’re gonna force my hand and I’m going to become the next General of this battalion!!” Her father stares at her for a few minutes, his expression hard and unclear. Z backs away from him a little, glaring at him to stand her ground. His silence is unnerving but she refuses to fold in front of him.
His expression suddenly shift to a wide grin, his eyes watering a little as his ruffles his daughters hair. Z swats his hand away, slightly confused and startled at the suddenly mood change. He sighs and rests his hand on her head.
“I’m glad to hear that hun, I know you will be a great General….” He says, his face going somber. “I need you to know something..come..come outside with me” he says, grabbing her hands and leading her away from the party. She obliges, instantly feeling hopeful. This has to be about her being General, this is her opportunity. She refused to lose a chance like this, especially since its being offered to her
They make it to the flower yard that was in the middle of the base and they sit down on a metal bench. Her father leans forward, biting his lip. He was nervous, he knows he shouldn’t be but he is. This isn’t the ideal way he wanted to break the news, but the opportunity was too perfect not to say it now. It’s only right she knows…
(I know I didn’t answer my prompt but i exceeded my limit 💀 sorry for the cliffhanger)