Write a story or poem based on the theme of "Destruction"
The Amazon
I pressed a tentative paw to the ash dusted floor of what was once a magnificent rainforest teaming with life. The movement burned just as much as the last. Where there used to be gold and snow white fur, there was only burnt and blistering flesh. A low growl erupted in my throat as the sharp pain shot through my very core.
My eyes had only just stopped watering enough to see the destruction and ruin around me. My hearing muffled but good enough to hear the silence that surrounded me. The singing of the birds, the clicking of the insects and any sound of the soft footfalls of prey was gone. It didn’t look like it was coming back any time soon either.
For miles the vivid greens and luscious colors of the rainforest where gone. Replaced by blinding monotones of grey, black and white.
Every breath hitched in my throat. I wanted to run, to try and find the place where the flames had stopped and the rainforest would surely still stand but I knew I didn’t have it in me. I was sure I would never run again. Never slink through the canopies of the great and ancient trees. Never watch from above as bright creatures went about their day on the forest floor. Never pounce from the shadows on another delicious but unfortunate prey.
This was the end and I knew it.
With one last effort, I let my body fall to the ground beneath me. I curled my once magnificent body into a ball and closed my eyes one last time.