Someone who has grown up in a hot country experiences winter for the first time.
Some people have never known cold weather; try to get into the mindset of a character having their first winter experience!
The Perfect Holiday Destination
Who on earth would want to spend there winter holidays in Scotland.
It’s not even a winter wonderland like mum promised, its just slush and fog. I knew it was going to be cold but nobody warned be it would be below negative freezing. If someone had I would have packed and actually coat instead of just cropped jumpers.
I was fine with staying in the Canary Islands, you know, where I actually live. That’s what we’ve always done for Christmas, me and my friends are always together. Also it’s the only time of year I’m aloud to see dad, besides my birthday. Mum said it’s because my great aunt Shelly is getting old and is probably gonna kick the bucket soon, so we should spend the holidays with her because it might be her last. Which doesn’t make sense because I didn’t even know I had a great aunt Shelly until two weeks before we left. I think mum’s just using her as an excuse because she doesn’t want me spending anymore time with dad.
“I have custody over you, not him!” She tells me, for the hundredth time. It’s not like I’m asking her to hand over custody I just want to spend time with him.
But no we have to fly to what feels like the other side of the world and freeze our bugs off in Scotland. I was promised snow, I was promised chestnuts roasting on an open fire, I was promised bagpipes (whatever those are). Instead what I’m given is a pull out sofa and blocked roads so we can’t even go Christmas shopping.
And this great aunt Shelly lady doesn’t look anything like me or mum, she could be for dads side but mum has vowed to never speak to anyone from the side of the family again. I’m like 80% sure she’s an actress mum hired to play a part just so she could have a reason to leave home for the holidays.
I don’t want to be here, I want to be in the sun and lying in the sand not huddled underneath a mountain of blankets. I want my dad I want my friends I don’t want scarfs and burst pipes. The only upside of being here is Edinburgh, apparently the Christmas market is suppose to be amazing, but the roads are ice so we can’t drive down.
I tried to call dad to tell him I won’t be there for the holiday but I just got his voicemail. I’m terrified that he’ll be sitting at the dining table waiting for me to knock on the door and sit down for dinner with him.
Outside in the warm air surrounded by the native mosquitoes instead of freezing my tits off in a strangers house.
Christmas is supposed to be about family and being together but I’m not even in the same country as most of them. Christmas this year is really gonna suck.
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