Write a poem about choosing between following your heart or following your head.

War Of Two Halves

If the heart wants what it wants,

Then so does my brain,

Fighting between love,

And desperately staying sane,

Companionship and romance,

The painful tales of the heart,

But the brain simply refuses,

And opts for a different style of art,

Solidarity and sense,

Are the brains poisonous choice,

Two conflicting forces,

Both at war for the control of your voice,

But If I was forced to choose?

I would choose neither,

The heart nor the brain,

As love without sense is nothing more than an ache,

But a life without love,

Is a life half lived,

For the journey through earth,

To above it and beyond,

Both the brain and the heart are needed to bond,

Love and sense,

Companionship and solidarity,

The necessities of any human who wishes to be happy.

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