by Digitonaut @ DeviantArt

Write a story about the inhabitant of this house.
Abandoned House
Don’t you just love exploring? It’s so fun, especially when you find abandoned overgrown houses in the middle of nowhere. This house specifically is the first one I’ve ever came across. It was in the woods near my house. No one in town knew it was there, so it must have been abandoned a really long time ago. All the plants here are so pretty, and they look really healthy, like they get just the right amount of water and sunlight. The stuff left behind is interesting too. There’s some cool old books, a few toys, pencils, and just the set up is awesome. If this place weren’t in the middle of the woods, I’d totally move in.
Just then, Jacky came inside telling me it was time to head back home, and this place was creeping him out. All the bugs and spiderwebs were scary and it was really overgrown and all that.
The next day, I went back. By myself so I could go further into the abandoned home. These types of plants don’t usually grow around here, I thought to myself. I noticed some of these plants were in pots. “So maybe this place isn’t as old and overgrown as I thought,” I said aloud. The person, or people, who lived here must have just liked plants. Collected them or something.
I got a text message, surprisingly cause I was in the middle of the woods, saying to come back home. So I did. And I couldn’t get the chance to go back for a couple days.
When I did, about 5 days later, the house was gone. I thought I got lost and went the wrong way. But I saw the mailbox. How could a house just disappear? And with absolutely no trace. I searched for about 2 hours before going home. It’s the biggest mystery of my life.