You are camping with your family in an unfamiliar forest. You wake in the middle of the night to find yourself alone in your tent.
Practice throwing your reader straight into the drama of the story - begin your narrative with suspense, confusion, and tension from the offset.
Found You
“Hannah wake up” Roy shakes me out of my deep sleep. I crack one eye open. “What” I say as I roll over and stretch my arms out grazing what I think was his nose. I pull back my arm and drive it forward with full force. I hear Roy groan in pain.
“What the f—“
Before he has a chance to finish his complaint, I hear the sound of nails scraping along the outside of our tent.
“Come out, come out” an eery voice sings. I sit up and scoot back towards my brother.
“Roy, did you hear that?” I whisper. He doesn’t respond so I look over to my left and my eyes meet with pitch black ones. “Found you” she coos.
Her pale face stares back at me. Blood dripping from the bullet hole in the middle of her forehead. I scream, but I can’t hear myself. She reaches forward to grab me causing me to cramble backwards.
My breathing picks up and I begin to hyperventilate. I could already imagine my autopsy report. ‘Manner of death: Probably Homicide by ghostly pale bullet hole lady. Cause of death: Hyperventilation caused by anxiety attack in response to ghostly pale bullet hole lady’.
As I claw at my throat forcing it to down more oxygen, the woman comes into view. “You can’t escape me, Hannah, not even in your dreams”.
I yell bloody murder, and this time, I hear myself loud and clear.
I wake up yelling.
I sit up and wipe the tears from my eyes. I look over to see an empty sleeping bag.
“R-Roy?” my voice shakes. Where was everyone?
I hear nothing but the rustle of the trees outside of the tent and my breathing. The wind begins to pick up outside. I snap out of it and pat around me to locate my phone. Once I feel the familiar rectangular shape graze my fingers I grab it and immediately call Roy.
I hear the familiar ring tone playing outside in the distance. Why is he outside at this hour? I am too scared to leave. I hang up and text him.
‘Why are you outside? Come back in I had an awful dream. Are you in mom and dads tent?’ I press send.
Five minutes pass and I receive no answer. This was very unlike Roy. That man always had his phone glued to his hand.
I hear a twig snap.
“Hannah” the familiar voice sings. Tears fall down my cheeks and I begin to shake uncontrollably.
“Roy can’t come to the phone right now. He had somewhere to…be” she giggles.
I flinch as she scrapes her nails outside my tent. Her shadow gets closer to the entrance of my tent. I cover my mouth with both hands to stifle any noise that threatened to spill out of my mouth.
The zipper slowly travels down, the sounds paralyzing me more each second.
Her fingers wrap around the flap and pull it aside. Her head pokes through. Her black eyes meet mine. Her smile is sinister.
“Found you” she growls.