Write a scene where a character confesses their (unreturned) love for another.


I was going to do it today, confess that is. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest, as I walked down the dirt path towards the pier. The sound of birds chirping and the leaves rustling gave me hope. Which quickly diminished, I sat at that pier for atleast 2 hours, yet no sign of her. My heart sunk as hours passed by. By the time the sun started to set, I felt like crap. Any hope left that she still loved m-

I paused, suddenly hearing footsteps to my right. I turn around, only for my heart to drop. There she was _my _Juli, making out a few feet away with my best friend, Parker. They obviously didn’t see me, being way too endorsed with eachother. Though that made it very much worse. Tears were starting to form at this revelation, that she never loved me. Those dates, hangouts, and all the time I spent with that girl… was for nothing.

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