Submitted by Celaid Degante
Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.
Left In The Rain
I held tight onto Ella’s hips as we swayed on the dance floor , her green dress matching perfectly with her emerald eyes , gorgeous, is the only word I can use to describe how she looked in this perfect moment, I twirled my dress as she spun me and giggled as I returned to the steps I was taught to dance , it was my cousins wedding, a typical Saturday in this cold rainy town , surprisingly everyone loved rainy weddings here ,because we always have indoor weddings and the cold silver of the sky shimmers in the sunlight , making for a wondrous evening. The music died down and all I can remember for the next few hours , was how lucky I am to have found Ella , as we drove home from the wedding, Ella sighed every few minutes, it’s difficult for me to trust people, that’s why I’m always so quiet, I push people away by not being interesting enough for their spontaneous lives, Ella is an exception I am glad to have made, She ,Ella I mean, is always there for me , the love of my life, I’ve been hurt by people all my life and I could never trust again, or so I thought, She understands me , or at least I hope so . At home , we sat and ate dinner , I made some pasta for us, Ella’s golden hair shimmered in the kitchen light, “why don’t we ever go out anymore?” She asked, picking at her food. I stopped eating and thought for a while, I’m not comfortable in large open places, nor am I comfortable in small cramped spots , people make me anxious, I just wish that I was invisible to all man kind, except for Ella .”do you want to go out again?” I asked with my chest clamped, I know she’s a people person and I’m an introvert with absolutely NO people skills, but if she’s like to go out I’m sure I can look up a place on the Internet and find a good spot for a date , “yes, but we never seem to go out any more since last February, and it’s already April , I’m bored sitting at home , on the weekends, during the week” my chest got heavy , she’s bored? Does that mean IM boring? Does she not want to stay with me? Am I- “you don’t even say anything when I talk, why is that? I’m starting to wonder if I’m just company to keep you from going insane all alone here” I looked up at her, her eyes were on the brink of tears, her long hair just covering her face, “it’s not like that-“ I tried to say but she burst “I can’t take sitting at home on the weekends, every weekend, i feel like I’m waisting my life sitting here and going to work! IM going insane! I can’t take not being around people! I’ve stayed here with you for so long but I can’t anymore! I need to leave!” She shouted , I could feel my face draining of color, my chest thumping , with my heart going faster than usual, “are you- breaking up with me?” I asked , my breath hitching every few second, now I was on the break of tears “Yes!” She stood up and grabbed her coat , “I can’t be with you anymore! I’m sorry melody! But you just... I.. I can’t stay “ she walked towards the door, I jumped up , running after her “no please wait , please stay!” I was crying now, I know I was being selfish, asking her to stay but I needed her so much. She closed the door behind her, I ripped it open and stepped into the rain , “I’ll do anything! Please Ella just stay! I can’t bare to loose you too!” I yelled after her , she looked back ,her tears streaming down her face , I knew it was difficult for her to leave me too , I guess... she didn’t understand me... I was left standing in the rain, soaked from head to toes, with a broken heart, I was sure to never share again...