Without planning or drafting, write the opening page of your story.
We will revisit this prompt at the end of the month to see how your ideas and skills have developed!
I’m Not Sure Yet
In the darkest beginnings of most histories lay the blankest slate for the brightest of stories to be written upon. In this particular story - picture a slate dark with the soot of a story before, the history a finger painting in the ash that was.
Angels and daemons are the labels typically given to beings who hold powers the powerless find impossible to understand. In their quest for understanding these powers that seemingly shape the world around them, they categorize this magic into two very opposing groups. Angels or daemons; pure or devious. Angels are atoned with the things that so obviously make life worth living; sunrise, a baby’s smile, a lush harvest before a long winter. Daemons bestow the lengthened darkness during the frost, loss, the end of what was before.
Subjective are the titles as the lapping of water on a shore. Futile is the effort to put all of the wonders of your world onto either side of a single coin.