The Four Elements

Fire fire fire, it can be a disaster. It can burn down homes and clear out our bush lands.

Was it really the fire that is dangerous though or the person using it?

In the olden days, fire was a survival skill, if you had it you were pretty lucky.

Burn off’s are used to get rid of unwanted things, if done right it is controllable.

Candles need to be lit, some burn powerful and high but if you’re careful it isn’t dangerous. We didn’t start the fire.

Air air air, oh what would we do without air, there would be no breathing or trees so what good would that be? Without air we would have no knowledge, our minds are a very powerful things. They hold our memories, thoughts and comprehensions. They represent clarity friendship and new beginnings.

Wind, wind windy. Why oh why, have they told us that the wind is bad? Because apparently it spread the fires but the litter bugs started them. Maybe they did this so we would forget that our past loved ones can hug us through the power of the winds.

Earth earth, nice and earthy. Maybe an earthquake to make them shiver will make them realise they trashed our land. They stole because they were jealous and had greed, so greedily and disgusting just like venom and envy as green. But what they forgot is what is broken can be fixed, they forgot we don’t need to be perfect, they forgot that everyone is unique in their own ways and they forgot about the power of love.

But jokes on those mokes, they need to learn their lessons. Some will disappear into the potters grounds.

Anonymously anonymous.

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