From The Ether

Claire stood below the stars. As she marched up the field her emerald eyes searched the the amethyst sky. She slowly reached the top of the mountain and the edge of the cliff. It took her a few moments but eventually she set up her telescope it was large, silver and black almost matching her outfit. She pressed he eye up against the telescope and watched as slowly a parade of smoky grey clouds rolled in almost instantly. Soon after powerful blasts of electric shot the ground with such force that she could feel the shock travel through her feet. Slowly In the eye of the storm appeared an oozing, purple, fog that shun in the light.

She watched as, like mould, fungus and covid the ether spread like wild fire. The ether expanded and multiplied faster than bunny’s. Then, suddenly, it erupted in flashes of bright, powerful blasts of blood red lighting. Slowly, one by one, from the ether emerged large, winged beasts with eyes like fireflies mouths like wormholes, endless and all consuming, its body long and thin like that of a large python only larger.

They swarmed like angry hornets, flew like eagles and stalked like panthers. Clair moved her eye from the telescope. Her jaw dropped. The beats flew towards her when suddenly as if from the heavens a ball of white and gold descended from the clouds. Around the etherial orb the clouds dissipated to reveal a bright suddenly. The flying beats twitched and jerked before flying directly before the orb. Before they could get with in a hundred meters of they all disintegrated. The glow fade to reveal a large winged man in full plate, silver and gold armour. As if starring into a mirror a large man with bat like wings descended in lack and purple horned armour. The pair flapped their wings before charging each other. The two collided and entered a grapple. The angel tossed the demon into the cliffside sending both the demon and rubble into the quarry. The angel charged once more in a fast dive. In a swift reaction the demon raised a leg and thrust it into the gut of the angel. The angel careened over the waters surface as if the demon and been skimming stones. The pair ascended into the sky in war for earth. Finally the angel thrust the crown of his head into the demons nose. The devil fell like an astroid once again into the ground wiping out every life on earth. Slowly the angel descended to meat his opponent “again brother?” He asked accusingly.

The demon sat in the water defeated “always! We’ll do it again and again until we’re both dead!”

“No more, only one more death,” the angel said before reading a hand. A blast of golden light obliterated the demon.

The end

Can you spot the movie quote?

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