
I can make the stars

Or I can make you see some

Sprinkle some fairy dust

And make you shine

Or load you in dust

To make you blind

I can pull the strings

And make you dance to my tune

You could be a dancing mermaid

Or nothing for all I care

You sing, I chorus

You dance, I group

You shout, I amplify

You cry, I shut down

You get standing ovation

And continuous claps

Followed by fame and wealth

Which you forget to share

I stand in shadows behind you

Always making the magic happen

For, you never remember

There is no you without me

There is no puppet without a puppeteer

No King without a kingmaker

I can make or break lives

Just with my whim

Filling me with satisfaction

Upto the brim

There is no other place that I’d rather be

One which is not “behind the scenes.”

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