Write a scene where a character confesses their (unreturned) love for another.

My First Date

My first date. Wearing my favourite flowy dress with a flower design, I waited at the café table. I had arrived one minute ago.

Scrolling through tik tok, I watch as time ticked by. From 20 to 21 to 22 to 23 to 24 to 25. I waited thirty more.

A whole hour had passed. Many couples came and went enjoying their meals. While I sat, hoping this wasn’t a practical joke and he was actually delayed on his way.

Never had I felt this much regret and pain. How could a boy so simply plain go to drive me insane. His fluffy hair reminded me of a lion mane.

He had left me. Probably to never return. I knew it. Love is a game. A danger to play. He played my heart like it was simple as tic tac toe while I was stuck playing Go. I sat for hours pondering how to move while he finished with ease. Finishing me.

Maybe he forgot I thought by hour three. But how could he simply forget about me. Does this mean we weren’t a thing? When I said I loved him was he even listening?

I waited till the café closed just in case he came. I didn’t want him to come and believe I was the flake. I am the ice cream all hyper and sweet while slowly flakes away from me. This is hour eight.

The café is closed. The doors locked. Sitting on the curb, I wondered. Should I text? Should I ring? Should I even do anything? I sent him a snap outside the closed café. He typed back an underwhelming “k.” That’s when my heart flopped. It was stabbed for the first time. This torturous boy just committed his first crime.

This must be his confession of unrequited love. My first date.

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