Write a story about a character who decides to live without any form of artificial light.
How does this choice affect their daily routine, relationships, and perspective?
The candle was almost burnt out. My last one. I sat at my table and watched from the window as the sun set. Slowly at first and then all at once, it fell from the sky and from my view. I shifted back to the canslw, burning its last centimeter, and I watched as the wick extinguished itself in the puddle of wet wax with a sharp hiss.
Darkness, then. I loved it. I had chosen this life, but … I had no more candles. The candlemaker said his wax was all gone, and the next nearest shop was hundreds of miles, a four day trip by horse, and I didn’t have means for a horse.
There are those that use artificial light in the forms of bulbs and oils. I scoff at them. My ceiling has outlets only, no bulbs or scalding white lights. I close the window to outside and curl with the light of the stars and the moon. They’ll be my friends until the candles return.