Write a story that contains an introverted character.
They do not have to be the main character, but think about which personality traits they demonstrate that could relate to your plot, and drive your scene.
It’s Always the quiet Ones
It’s always the quiet ones
It’s the quiet ones who see things that others don’t, who notice the small details.
It’s the quiet ones who stare off into space, lost in another universe that they themselves have created
It’s the quiet ones who sense the difference in body language. The small muscle twitch, the quiet sigh,
It’s the quiet ones who pay the closet attention to emotion.
It’s the quiet ones who can see when people are smiling thigh the pain.
It’s the quiet ones who create scenario after scenario in their minds
It’s the always the quiet ones
Introverts. They call us introverts because we don’t like crowds, we find small talk tedious, we’re comfortable being by ourselves. We don’t need to be surrounded by people to have a good time.
Wall flowers
The quiet ones